Sunday, September 26, 2010
TGS 2010 Reach Launch and Reach Ending
TGS this year was crazy. I think it had more quality annoucements than E3 did. At least they were kept a actual secret instead of the usual week or two before E3 everyone finds out about new stuff. I'm excited about a lot but here are the most exciting announcements. This is in order of the most exciting for me.
Ico Collection: Holy shit this one is going to be amazing. I didn't have a PS2 I opted for the N64 ( I know I know) I almost bought a PS2 until I started hearing rumors this might come around. This above all else is the can't miss game of the Spring.
Asura's Wrath from Capcom: This got labeled as a God of War clone by fucking idiot game journalist. I assume because of nothing more than having QTE's. This game doesn't involve anything to me that remotely looks like GOW even if you argue it has a huge boss so did Bayonetta, Shadow of the Colossus and many others. It's got a huge list of influences from Manga to Lost. This will be one to watch.
Radiant Silvergun: coming to XBLA Spring 2011 I never got to play the first one but can't wait till this comes out. My tournament edition fightstick is ready to go!
Project Dark: Demons Souls 2? Yes Please! The original is like crack this will be a day one purchase.
The Last Guardian: Even though this was announced awhile ago. I'm still excited and can't wait for this one either.
Curious About these:
Ninja Gaiden 3
Firepro Wrestling for XBLA
Disappointed with
DmC: I only played a little of the original and part of 4 but this trailer just pissed me off. I'm not even a huge fan of Dante but this looks awful. Ninja Theory doesn't have a good track record and as far as I'm concerned so I won't be buying this. Who wants to play Dante as a emo little punk who looks like a Twilight reject.
I'm skeptical about the Kinect I could care less about using it for menus or more sports games. I don't give a shit about shooting more arrows, bowling or dancing. But if these guys can pull off Steel Battalion and Project Draco I will be sold on it. Those two games SB in particular are pretty exciting and I will wait till one gets released see how it's received then buy a Kinect. I don't want to see any gimic control either it has to be a heads up display you can interact with and with Draco it better be revolutionary. We'll see I'm still on the no side of the fence on these.
Just finished Halo Reach today. Amazing game it's Halo but the story made the difference this time. I loved every minute and restarted immediately on Legendary. I'm up to the fourth level on that now. It's pretty difficult I won't lie but after practicing up on Heroic it's not bad. Good times lots of game news can't wait for all these new ones next year.
Pic from IGN head over there they have a good article and more screenshots.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Halo Reach Extended Cut!!
This almost leaves you speechless. I've seen the comments people saying this is MS just marketing it up for the frat boys. To those people I really wonder what your looking for in a game trailer? You find this repulsive? Get over it piss off. Even if I didn't enjoy the Halo story this trailer is amazing either way. Enjoy the game Reach is shaping up to be a great experience.
Metroid Other M Review
Samus is at it again. Hunting, bounty hunting or flying around space hunting pirates; whatever sexy bounty hunters do. Well technically Metroid Other M starts up right after Super Metroid ends. This marks the beginning of Samus having her own voice which I think sounds good. The game is a new entry in the series but not without faults.Clunky switch between 2d into FPS is not great especially when your trying to shoot a missile at a boss and your controller flakes out on you not cool. Otherwise the environments and music are spot on I love the game I'll deal with the faults they don't stop my enjoyment of Metroid, searching environments, finding new weapons all on your own.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Scott Pilgrim Kicking Your 16-Bit Ass!
So today I have almost finished the game. I am up to Gideon and will take him on later tonight. I'm excited to see what gets unlocked after the credits roll. The game can be a little messed up at times the hit detection can be off and sometimes when you hit start to pause it you don't get a menu for 10 seconds. Those have been the only things to annoy me so far. Other than that it's all good!! Here are some helpful things that will get you kicking ass in no time.
- Play through the first few levels get $129.95 it might be possible to get on the first play through but doubtful you need some serious combo's. Go back to Wallace's secret shop in the second part of level one. (If you have beat that level you can start at the shopping district it's closer) It's right after the bus tries to run you over and the road dips down. you'll see a star on the side on the wall.(see above) Just go up to it and your in. Buy the Bionic Arm, it will level up your strength and now all your hits will triple or quadruple the hit damage.
- Buy extra lives here also Tialoc's Feast $49.95.
- Use your environment to create combos. Get a few baddies and a recycle bin keep punching it toward's them and your good.
- When your flashing yellow do your best to put baddies against a wall and unleash your punch combo attack. I topped out a 253 hit combo on the zombie level. NICE
This will get you started and don't forget the zombie code: Down, Up, Right, Down Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Right, Right or DUR DUR DURRR perfect right?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Scott Pilgrim PSN Release 16-Bit Glory!!!
Que the angel music Scott Pilgrim has morph-balled into the PSN and looks better than ever.
The PSN got it's timed exclusive Pilgrim adventure about 6:30pm eastern today. I played through the first few levels and it's amazing. Behold it yourself in the free demo also released today. The combat so far feels a little slow I'm sure I just have to get used to the combo's and I'll be stringing them together like Batman in Arkham. The graphics are top notch pixel art done by the infamous Paul Robertson. If your not familiar with his work do yourself a favor watch these Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle and Kings of Power. He did an amazing job with the game it's everything you would want from a Pilgrim game. The first boss battle was not to hard but a good challenge and a feast for the eyes. Sorry I love this pixel art it's just my favorite. Just go play the demo you will buy it afterwards I promise.
One thing to watch out for is when you purchase you will get two files. The demo and a 6kb download which is actually the file that unlocks the demo into a full game. Download both and start up the game. I got confused for a minute but don't worry it works fine. Enjoy and check out the movie Friday!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Muramasa The Demon Blade & Makoto
Well first off my Momohime figure shipped from Hong Kong on 7-30. She should be here this week and check out this review I'm more excited than before.
I should also be getting my MvsC2 tournament stick today so I'll be paying Deathsmiles and Ikaruga with it for a test run then get into Street Fighter HD remix later. I'm probably picking up Blazblue Continuum Shift this week as well. You can download Makoto which was previously a Japan exclusive.
She looks cool:
I should also be getting my MvsC2 tournament stick today so I'll be paying Deathsmiles and Ikaruga with it for a test run then get into Street Fighter HD remix later. I'm probably picking up Blazblue Continuum Shift this week as well. You can download Makoto which was previously a Japan exclusive.
She looks cool:
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Momohime Muramasa Figure
Play-Asia has started shipping figures if you didn't pre-order they are still available when I checked. She looks amazing pictures to follow when she arrives.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Shumps Galore!
Right now is a great time to be a shoot um up fan. If your lucky enough to have more than one console you'll really be eating it up. The Xbox 360 seems to be edging out the competition so far.
Deathsmiles is a Cave horizontal shooter that was just released stateside. The only edition Aksys put out is the limited one and it's perfect for fans. Comes with a faceplate and soundtrack, they really know how to make fans go crazy. I haven't played a ton of Cave games but this one is a lot of fun. Gothic Lolis shooting up the undead, can't get better than that.
Sin and Punishment 2 for the Wii was also just released. The follow up to Treasure's cult hit this really lives up to the hype. If your on the fence you shouldn't be worried this game will blow your mind. I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm enjoying this along with Ikaruga on the Xbox I'm getting an arcade stick so I can really get down precision movements.
Cave will hopefully keep the hits coming they released Espgaluda II in Japan and gave it the Black Label treatment. Mushihimesama Futari was released last year both with no region coding so it's easy to import. But it would be nice to have them stateside anyway.
Deathsmiles is a Cave horizontal shooter that was just released stateside. The only edition Aksys put out is the limited one and it's perfect for fans. Comes with a faceplate and soundtrack, they really know how to make fans go crazy. I haven't played a ton of Cave games but this one is a lot of fun. Gothic Lolis shooting up the undead, can't get better than that.
Sin and Punishment 2 for the Wii was also just released. The follow up to Treasure's cult hit this really lives up to the hype. If your on the fence you shouldn't be worried this game will blow your mind. I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm enjoying this along with Ikaruga on the Xbox I'm getting an arcade stick so I can really get down precision movements.
Cave will hopefully keep the hits coming they released Espgaluda II in Japan and gave it the Black Label treatment. Mushihimesama Futari was released last year both with no region coding so it's easy to import. But it would be nice to have them stateside anyway.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
MGS Rising
I love this video can't wait for the game. Looks like we might be waiting a year at least.
Hideo Kojima PS3 Exclusive Game?
I've been thinking about the announcement that Kojima has a PS3 exclusive game being announced at TGS 2010. Maybe it's a MGS compiliation redone in HD? With Sly Cooper being announced and God of War getting the treatment what better than to get Snake in the mix. It would be pretty cool for all the new fans who maybe haven't played the original games. Just a thought.
Monday, June 14, 2010
E3 Day One!
So my new job doesn't allow me to leave work at a decent time. Being a manager and on salary I have to work till it's done. I can't see much video game related stuff at work either so I'm forced to wait all day for anticipation. I got home to see what I could find out about the Microsoft conference and other news. Let me preface my reaction to Day 1, E3 usually doesn't impress me that much. We'll see this year I might want to listen to those world cup horns instead of this who knows.
Microsoft Excited List
Microsoft Excited List
- MGS: Rising- nice trailer game play seems tight I will hold full reactions till I get my hands on it. Looks similar to Afro Samurai's precision "cutting time" but done better. Looking forward to it.
- Halo Reach/Starfighter- looks interesting but similar to the shitty Star Wars Starfighter game. Where in the fiction does this fit in because Spartan 117 hated space combat and I never heard anyone else loving it in the novels. The music was out of place and so is the space combat. I hope Bungie knows what they are doing but I applaud them for trying something new FPS is getting old.
- New Xbox 360: Looks good shooting for that slim huh? Built in Wi-fi? Bigger hard drive sounds like a PS3 to me. Still same price and shipping this week. But did they fix the overheat issue? Buy a warranty if you get this, don't trust MS one bit.
Microsoft Who Cares
- Kinetic ahh really? Navigate your console by voice and motion, while that sounds cool not sure I care. I'm not really that lazy. Play more sports games via waving around in the living room? Not so much I have a Wii. Where is the killer app?
Excitment in general
Golden Eye for the Wii can't wait check it out by Googling it because till tomorrow Activision is pulling it from Youtube etc. It's coming it looks fun.
New 2D Castlevania Harmony of Despair cool who doesn't love 2D
Hmm that is all for now oh yeah MGS Peacewalker go get it!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
I finally picked up MGS: PW yesterday. I jumped in thinking about the demo and expecting roughly the same type of experience. Wow was I wrong. It seems the visuals and presentation were upgraded before the release.
First this game is huge and allows for a ton of exploration, research and upgradeable equipment. Kojima wasn't kidding when he said this is MGS: 5. There is now a central hub "Mother Base" the idea is awesome for a handheld game. It's created with extreme care, easy to navigate and work in.. Also being able to assign team members to certain tasks for R&D and even being able to use them on side missions.
For mission prep you can choose characters, load outs and listen to briefings via cassette tapes. The game is perfect so far and I haven't even scratched the surface. Even if your not a MGS fan you'll love this game. If you are a fan you'll be in heaven.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Street Fighter REMIX by Akira The Don. I had not heard of this guy but this is pure genius. Awesome tunes that really bring you back to those SNES or Arcade days. Get it here. and check out his music it's good.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Uncharted 2 Art Book!
Ballistic Publishing just launched a new book and unless you haven't read a single piece of game news this year and last you know Uncharted 2 was HUGE. Awesome game and now you can check out the art work behind it. Check out Parka Blogs review of it they have a few pictures posted as well. Looks worth the cash for sure.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Momohime Oboro Muramasa Pre-Order Information

**Picture via J-List**
Here are various places to get your Princess Momohime she doesn't come cheap when you have to import but it will be worth it!! :D
To compare both are the same shipping time 5-10 days.
J-List $105 + Shipping $18.60 = $123.60
$18.60 is first class mail you can actually get cheaper shipping for around 11 but you'll have to wait 2 months. Or you can
get it from Play-Asia $89.90 + $22.90 = $112.80
This will sell out get her on order now!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Renewed Interest....
So I have been out of town for almost 3 weeks straight. On my last week I decided to start reading Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund again. I have read it twice but loved it so after reading the Game Informer article this month featuring Reach I thought it might be handy. I enjoyed as expected so I decided to picked up Halo Evolutions, the collection of short stories, and it's pretty good. Got me interested in Halo again so I finished Halo Wars (I only had about two missions left) and I'm playing through ODST on Legendary. I may finish my Halo 3 Legendary run after that we'll see. So I guess my love of Halo is still around despite the crappy trailer for Reach. From all the assets I've seen on it looks amazing. Thank god the redesigned the engine, models, sounds and weapons. It might actually be a upgrade this time. Can't wait to try out the Beta. Oh yeah don't for get Feb 16th Halo Legends on Blu-Ray so you can play Halo on your PS3.
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