Sunday, June 13, 2010

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

I finally picked up MGS: PW yesterday. I jumped in thinking about the demo and expecting roughly the same type of experience. Wow was I wrong. It seems the visuals and presentation were upgraded before the release.

First this game is huge and allows for a ton of exploration, research and upgradeable equipment. Kojima wasn't kidding when he said this is MGS: 5. There is now a central hub "Mother Base" the idea is awesome for a handheld game. It's created with extreme care, easy to navigate and work in.. Also being able to assign team members to certain tasks for R&D and even being able to use them on side missions.

For mission prep you can choose characters, load outs and listen to briefings via cassette tapes. The game is perfect so far and I haven't even scratched the surface. Even if your not a MGS fan you'll love this game. If you are a fan you'll be in heaven.

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