Thursday, June 24, 2010

MGS Rising

I love this video can't wait for the game. Looks like we might be waiting a year at least.

Hideo Kojima PS3 Exclusive Game?

I've been thinking about the announcement that Kojima has a PS3 exclusive game being announced at TGS 2010. Maybe it's a MGS compiliation redone in HD? With Sly Cooper being announced and God of War getting the treatment what better than to get Snake in the mix. It would be pretty cool for all the new fans who maybe haven't played the original games. Just a thought.

Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 Day One!

So my new job doesn't allow me to leave work at a decent time. Being a manager and on salary I have to work till it's done. I can't see much video game related stuff at work either so I'm forced to wait all day for anticipation. I got home to see what I could find out about the Microsoft conference and other news. Let me preface my reaction to Day 1, E3 usually doesn't impress me that much. We'll see this year I might want to listen to those world cup horns instead of this who knows.

Microsoft Excited List

  • MGS: Rising- nice trailer game play seems tight I will hold full reactions till I get my hands on it. Looks similar to Afro Samurai's precision "cutting time" but done better. Looking forward to it. 
  • Halo Reach/Starfighter- looks interesting but similar to the shitty Star Wars Starfighter game. Where in the fiction does this fit in because Spartan 117 hated space combat and I never heard anyone else loving it in the novels. The music was out of place and so is the space combat. I hope Bungie knows what they are doing but I applaud them for trying something new FPS is getting old. 
  • New Xbox 360: Looks good shooting for that slim huh? Built in Wi-fi? Bigger hard drive sounds like a PS3 to me. Still same price and shipping this week. But did they fix the overheat issue? Buy a warranty if you get this, don't trust MS one bit. 
Microsoft Who Cares
  • Kinetic ahh really? Navigate your console by voice and motion, while that sounds cool not sure I care. I'm not really that lazy. Play more sports games via waving around in the living room? Not so much I have a Wii. Where is the killer app?
Excitment in general

Golden Eye for the Wii can't wait check it out by Googling it because till tomorrow Activision is pulling it from Youtube etc. It's coming it looks fun. 

New 2D Castlevania Harmony of Despair cool who doesn't love 2D

Hmm that is all for now oh yeah MGS Peacewalker go get it!! 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

I finally picked up MGS: PW yesterday. I jumped in thinking about the demo and expecting roughly the same type of experience. Wow was I wrong. It seems the visuals and presentation were upgraded before the release.

First this game is huge and allows for a ton of exploration, research and upgradeable equipment. Kojima wasn't kidding when he said this is MGS: 5. There is now a central hub "Mother Base" the idea is awesome for a handheld game. It's created with extreme care, easy to navigate and work in.. Also being able to assign team members to certain tasks for R&D and even being able to use them on side missions.

For mission prep you can choose characters, load outs and listen to briefings via cassette tapes. The game is perfect so far and I haven't even scratched the surface. Even if your not a MGS fan you'll love this game. If you are a fan you'll be in heaven.