Sunday, April 26, 2009

Red Dead Revolver on your Xbox 360

I've been into westerns lately I'm not sure why either. The days of the new frontier are long over pretty much nowhere on earth is there any place left like the old west. I guess it's the sense of unknown the ruthless nature of the time. Hookers, gambling and shootouts crazy times! Well I picked up RDR (Red Dead Revolver from here) for the Xbox today at Gamestop for 4.99. I have to say it's a good find for that price, I played it years ago when it came out but now it's a classic. The headshots never get old that pop noise and the fountain of blood that shoots up. Long distance kills are my favorite great stuff. Anyway RD Redemption is coming out late this year and with Rockstars ability to make a open world I can't wait to see what they can do with this property. The only problem is the backward compatibility is jacked up. You get a crash when you get to the lady around mission 7? Can't remember her name and Red flickers every once in awhile when playing. Otherwise I'll over look this just to play its a fun game. Go buy it now! Buy Red Dead Redemption this fall too!


Besides the glitch with Bad Bessie crashing the game I reached a fatal crash at Chapter 12 also. The load screen plays as Red spins his revolvers and the fades to black.......waiting.........nothing. So my joy was short lived. To bad...

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