He got to play Firefight and even some Halo: Reach. He was at the studio for 2 days! I'm a huge Firefly fan so hearing what he thinks about the game was cool. He is a big Halo player and it sounds like he is pretty good. The guys talked a lot about Firefight which actually got me excited for ODST again. I mentioned in my E3 post it looked pretty crappy and well I hope it surprises me. I know Bungie has a great track record (we'll forget about Brute Force) so this should be no different. Horde was my favorite part of Gears 2 other than that I have literally only played 4 public matches ever. I used to play social matches with some guys from another site but they got annoying. After all the title updates to Gears the shotgun got worse and I hate it so Firefight will be a welcome change and I can't wait!! Going up against multiple hunters scattered with Brutes and Grunts oh my! Hell yeah can't wait.
One last thing for the toy collectors out there. I have the Halo 3 ODST trooper but McFarlane is coming out with a Rookie figure in October right after the release of ODST and it looks a little different a must have for fans.

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