Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Retro Caming Still Cool

So lately I'm just tired of Xbox Live keeping up with game communites to try and play with certain people and create or keep up with a "friends list". I really am as I've mentioned before if it wasn't for Netflix I would have got rid of Xbox Live already. It costs around 8 bucks a month so I'm debating about just turning it off anyway. I'll bump up my DVD to 3 or 4 at a time. Getting demos early and playing multiplayer games isn't worth it for me. Everytime I turn on Halo 3 or recently Street Fighter IV I hear nothing but assholes. I'm really tired of it. So now fuck it I'm going back to my roots in gaming. I'm playing single player games that don't require co-op. I don't give a shit if a game has multiplayer or not. I never really have. I'm not saying I'm not playing anything new I'm just don't investing money in anything in hopes I can play it online and get a good experience. So I'm busting out my Gamecube and already getting a Wii next month. So that is my two cents about multiplayer games. I'm loving my PS3 lately I think this next year is going to be amazing for Sony and Nintendo with more solid games coming for the Wii than ever.

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